Scavengers Reign

Scavengers Reign | A deep dive into the unimaginable ecosystems

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Scavengers Reign | A deep dive into the unimaginable ecosystems

If you clicked on this video , I assume that you  are a nerd or at least scientifically inclined. Which is great because if you haven’t watched the animation we are talking about today you are in for a treat. Scavengers Reign is an american animated tv drama that follows the story of a downed cargo vessel the Demeter 227 and its constituent crew who become stranded on the planet Vesta. This animation is an ecologist’s wet dream.

The environment of Vesta is flora dominated with the majority of the plant life displaying zoophytic properties. Darwin proposed that the capacity of organisms to produce more offspring than can be supported by the environment would lead to a struggle for existence, and individuals that are most fit for survival and reproduction would be selected through natural selection.  Basically survival of the fittest, Vesta takes that concept and cranks it up to 11. Hey everyone, welcome to Aniprop. Today we become extraplanetary ecologists and study the honestly quite ridiculous flora and fauna that have evolved on the planet Vesta. 

What Eon is Scavengers Reign in?

During the intro of the animation, we see a shot of Vesta from space. In this screen we see lots of red on the landmasses indicating high but not extreme levels of volcanic activity. This allows me to kinda date where this planet is in comparison with earth. I estimate that the planet is in its Phanerozoic eon. Which is two eons after the formation of the planet’s crust and it begins  to cool. This eon is characterized by the diversity of life which we can see play out in every episode of this animation. 

Organic Life in Scavengers Reign

The opening sequence shows us an organic conducting material that is  able to conduct high voltage and remain alive. This is one of the few harmless plants in the environment. Everything is significantly more harmful to organic life. The food chain on vesta exhibits a high percentage of carnivorous plants but even worse than the food chain is their methods of reproduction.

Scavengers Reign

Reproduction Strategies in Scavengers Reign

Sam and Ursula, the ship’s pilot and botanist respectively, are exposed to the reproduction methods of 2 unnamed species on Vesta. The first being a plant which samples animal DNA through blood capture. Once it captures the DNA of its victim it rapidly produces an adult clone from the sampled DNA. This cloned creature is able to locate its original, eliminate them and take its place in the animal’s herd. At some point the seed spontaneously explodes killing  the whole herd and spreading the DNA of the plant allowing it to reproduce among the nutrient rich corpses of the newly killed herd. This feels so alien and far fetched but on earth we have plants that exhibit similar behaviour.Plants such as the sandbox tree. Inorder to ensure that its offspring does not compete for the local resources the fruit of the sandbox tree explodes propelling the seeds within as far as it can into new soil. The seeds explode with a high velocity and loud bang which sometimes harms the surrounding fauna.

Sam and Ursula overcome this sandbox plant but Sam falls severely ill as a long term effect of the plant’s injection. A strange woman offers Ursula assistance to treat Sam, This woman infects SAM with a heart parasite. The parasite has an even more interesting reproduction strategy. It produces a seed which has to be ingested by its host. Once inside the body it compels the host to develop a habitat for it, even more horrifyingly is that it produces further seeds and compels the host to infect its peers. Sam as a result attempts to orally infect Ursula during the episode. This even though strange seeming is also not unusual in ecology, my favourite example of this is  zombie ant fungus; this fungus compels infected ants to leave their colony, climb to a specific height, and attach themselves to a leaf or plant. The fungus then consumes the ant from within, eventually bursting out of its body to release spores and infect other ants. That’s maybe even more messed up than the heart parasyte. Sam is able to kill the parasyte by ripping it from his body. He also dies during this separation. 

Scaavengers Reign  ursula-and-sam

Mutualism in Scavengers Reign

In ecology we sometimes have rare cases where a parasyte improves its host like some bacteria inadvertently giving immunity to viruses or gut bacteria assisting fauna with their digestion process. We see this with Levi, a robot who becomes infected with one of Vesta’s many fungus. The fungus spreads across his mechanical body creating a nervous system which goes back to his processor. This fungal spread grants him a sense of touch and sensation all across his body. He begins to develop curiosity, art and ideas. The fungus elevates his entire existence and makes him a sentient being. This fungus may have otherwise killed and taken over a human body but for Levi it becomes an act of mutualism. The fungus and Levi merge fully such that its offspring appear as mini organic versions of the robot.  

Embodied Cognition

This is arguably the most interesting idea I have ever seen put into an animation because there is a relatively mature idea in the field of psychology stating that true consciousness requires embodiment. It is called embodied cognition and basically solves the mystery of life and provides an idea of how consciousness arose As Levi had AI but never became a true conscious individual until he merged with the flora granting him senses and therefore true embodiment `

Ecosystem perturbation on Vesta

The last thing I want to talk about in Scavengers Reign is the concept of ecosystem disturbance. Adding a new variable such as flora and fauna to an existing ecosystem can have adverse effects such as ecological imbalance, food chain disruption, habitat alteration and in extreme cases extinction. Kamen crash landed very close to the habitat of the hollows. These small telepathic and telekinetic fauna. They grow to the size of a medium sized dog. They procure food by mind controlling other smaller species around them , turning them into servants which fetch small quantities of food to sustain the hollow. They are then able to produce a fluid which when ingested by the target produces intense hallucinations and maintains the mind control.

Kamen encountered the Hollow and racked with guilt he willingly succumbed to the mind control of the hollow. The problem here is Kamen is much larger than the typical gatherers the hollows use therefore more of the black fluid is required to maintain his hallucinogenic state. Kamen started killing other fauna to feed the hollow, turning it into a carnivore. It even eventually starts eating humans and other hollows then even much larger animals. The hollow grew to the size of a large SUV and its powers expanded to match this. By entering the ecosystem, Kamen completely destroyed the food chain and gave rise to this massive hollow which caused further ecological perturbation. This is my favourite story arc becAuse it shows how the insertion of just one non-native species into an environment can completely send things off the rails. 

Scavengers Reign

The personnel of the crashed ship demeter 227 in the end were unable to escape Vesta. They instead attempted to integrate with the ecosystem. Not sure how well this strategy will work but i look forward to seeing more of Vesta and the crew in Season two of this wonderful animation.

Made in Abyss | The Untold Dangers of Going from the 5th to 7th Layer!

Made in Abyss | The Untold Dangers of Going from the 5th to 7th Layer!

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Made in Abyss | The Untold Dangers of Going from the 5th to 7th Layer!

Made in Abyss | The Untold Dangers of Going from the 5th to 7th Layer! earlier this year I released a guide and fanfiction for a hypothetical Descent of a Dio from the city of Earth down to the bottom of the Abyss it was pretty exciting as I got to remix hanezeve caradhina which is one of the best musical compositions from my favorite anime composer Kevin Penkin I also got to do some animation work with unique results the full video is in the description that said the dive from the fifth layer down to the 7th was so interesting that I think it warranted having its own video so here we are like And subscribe and let’s get into [Music] it you assemble a loyal diving team to collect riches for Earth discovering many artifacts along the way but on one of your many Journeys Into the Depths a young crew member succumbs to injuries in the abyss he desires with all his heart to help you on your Dives and becomes a life reverberating Stone his Consciousness is still intact and his soul is crystallized to this hard white stone he has become an artifact a white whistle for your use only once you arrive in Orth with the sad news and the new discoveries from the fifth layer you are promoted to the rank of white whistle and you become a household name in Earth you live a comfortable life in Earth on the surface with your diving party gaining repute and continuously making new discoveries in the abyss you have a handful of black whistles working with you that are as good as you were in your younger years but this is all too boring The Mystery of the Abyss calls again you want to reach the bottom of it due to the curse of the six Leo you can never return to the surface after taking the altar of absolute boundary when white whistles go down to the sixth layer they call it the last dive so you pack up all your highly regarded relics say goodbye to your loved ones grab a handful of your most trusted black whistles and set off for the last dive once in the alar you blow your white whistle and you and your crew descend to the sixth layer never to be seen again.

ade in Abyss | The Untold Dangers of Going from the 5th to 7th Layer! The Sixth Layer

Made in Abyss | The Untold Dangers of Going from the 5th to 7th Layer! the sixth layer’s depth goes from 13,000 to 15,500 m it is called the capital of the UNR returned and the strains of Ascension are death and loss of humanity the curse wraps around individuals ascending like a blanket and deforms them into a hollow most Hollows die immediately but in rare cases they continue to live losing their human form but in rarer cases still they become deformed in an organized way while still retaining their intelligence and Consciousness this is called The Blessing little is known about the blessing and the circumstances which create it so you and your team have arrived at the sixth Leo there is no drinkable water food is hard to come by the monos down here are even more formidable than on the higher floors there are random geothermal explosions that emit poisonous gas the whole place is the inexplicable ruins of an ancient city there is however strangely a village of intelligent Hollows in this layer you stumble upon ew Village inside the village the curse is absent there is food and water too you can roam freely around the village however the inhabitants of the village cannot leave you make a friend or two and it is here in the village that you hear from the once humans about the seventh layo and beyond that the deepest point you have always heard rumors about it as a child but now you know how to get there so the team set off again down to the seventh layer the depth of this layer is unknown as no equipment works at this depth information from depths beyond the fifth layer is almost impossible to obtain because the Avian monsters at this depth and below are immune to all repellants. ade in Abyss | The Untold Dangers of Going from the 5th to 7th Layer!

Made in Abyss | The Untold Dangers of Going from the 5th to 7th Layer! The Seventh Layer

Made in Abyss | The Untold Dangers of Going from the 5th to 7th Layer! you arrive at the seventh layer the final maelstrom the strain of Ascension here is immediate death so you and your crew cannot even go back to the hollow Village in the dissension to unknown depths you spot a ring of light below your crew passes through through the ring you and your entire team are never seen again no further information about you ever reaches the surface and your Legend lives on to this Made in Abyss | The Untold Dangers of Going from the 5th to 7th Layer!

Attack on Titan | How Eren Yeager defied death

Attack on Titan | How Eren Yeager defied death.

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Attack on Titan | How Eren Yeager defied death.

Attack on Titan | How Eren Yeager defied death: Eren is immortal, or at least he should be , hear me out. The founding titan’s abilities allow him to not only share his memories with his inheritors and past users but with any eldian. He can physiologically modify any eldian. It was not specified if this power can only be used to affect the present. As we have seen, Eren has impacted the past already and may even have impacted the future. It isn’t impossible to believe that Eren changed a future eldian baby to resemble himself then implanted them with his own memories after they became of age, doing all of this before he was killed in the present.

Attack on Titan | How Eren Yeager defied death

During a flashback we see Eren’s first breaths in first person, reminiscent of an isekai. This exact scene is in oshi no ko or Mushoku Tensei. Suggesting that Eren was born with all of his faculties like an isekai protagonist. But what really drives home the idea is something Eren said himself during the flashbacks. He said “since the moment i was born, I’ve always been myself” this shows that the Eren we are acquainted with is unlikely to be the first or the last Eren in a long line of reincarnation driven by the powers of the founder. Let me know what you think about this one. Like and subscribe. See you next time.

Castlevania: Nocturne

Where Does Castlevania: Nocturne Fit in the Series Timeline?

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Where Does Castlevania: Nocturne Fit in the Castlevania Series Timeline?

As good as the last 4 seasons of netflix’s Castlevania have been, I was still surprised by the quality on display in the sequel series Castlevania nocturne. The animation quality has even stepped up with endless amounts of sakuga and I love me some sakuga. The story follows Richter Belmont and his allies doing what Belmonts do , hunting vampires. This series has many similarities to the prequel but when I fired it up , I was a bit confused as to where this story fell in the castlevania canon ; so I looked into it. Welcome to aniprop. Like, subscribe and leave a comment if you find this video helpful  and Lets get into it. 

Castlevania nocturne is not a direct sequel  to the original series. In many ways it acts as a reboot. The original series centered around Dracula and his revenge on Humanity. It took place in Walachia in the 1400s. Nocturne takes place 300 years later  during the 18th century french revolution. Richter Belmont is a descendant of Trevor belmont and Sypha belnades.

Due to his lineage he is able to cast powerful magic while having all the vampire killing and weapon wielding acumen expected of a Belmont. He also inherited trevors dry humour and foul vernacular. The show runner took advantage of this new story to present Richtor at the youngest age we have seen a belmont on screen. He is just 19 at the start of the show. He is unrefined, juvenile and emotionally underdeveloped in many ways .  We get a front row seat to his character arc which sees him develop into a true belmont. Something closer to what we see with trevor in the original series. 


The other Castlevania: Nocturne characters in the anime are all new but familiar conceptually. We have a seeker magician and her daughter. A forge master with the accompanying night creatures and somehow they have managed to include a familiar face in Alucard even though he has an exceedingly minor role. 

Castlevania: Nocturne also takes advantage of its time period by weaving its narrative into that of the french revolution. Even a history buff would find the telling of the story attractive on this basis. The story is pretty compelling but I must admit I would have preferred a castlevania story that regressed the timeline instead of advanced it. I would have liked to see the story of Leon Belmont and how he started the Belmont clan.  But this is what we get and its pretty good. Thanks for watching today.

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