Playing Batman Arkham Knight in 2024/25 Moist Critical’s Review Moist critical got me interested in Batman Arkham Knight after many remarks were made about it following the release of it’s successor from Rocksteady studios. The ill fated Suicide squad kill the justice league has received alot of negative press but one positive thing it has […]
Posts Tagged ‘ayanakoji’

Solo Leveling | How JinWoo got sexy

Solo Leveling | How JinWoo got sexy Big Hype Solo leveling has probably been the most hyped piece of media to exit Asia in the last 5 years or so. This time it enters the west bearing the Korean flag seeking to solidify the legacy of manhua adaptations. Solo leveling is very pure in its […]

Classroom of the Elite Season 3 is a Sports Anime

Classroom of the Elite Season 3 is a Sports Anime My favourite reality TV show is MTVs the challenge. I realized during season 3 of classroom of the elite that a large part of why i love the anime is the similarities it has with the challenge. It’s a running competition and it sets up […]